Friends of the Ada Public Library

What We Do

Friends of the Ada Public Library is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the Library in our community. Friends help promote the library, develop activities, present special programs, and encourage reading and use of the Library. Friends meet about every other month to discuss and plan upcoming library functions. Attending meetings is encouraged to share ideas, volunteer for programs, and keep up-to-date on library activities.

To join Friends of the Ada Public Library, please call 419-634-5246 or stop by the library for a membership form, or print a form and mail or drop off.

Download a membership form (pdf)

Why Be A Friend?

  • You believe the library is a valuable asset to your community.
  • You want to present the needs of the library to the public.
  • You want to further the appreciation of books, literacy, and education in the community.
  • You want to be involved.
  • You want to make a difference.

Join now!

Constitution for Friends of the Ada Public Library